Serious Humor


February 1, 2003   Volume I  Issue 180

Environmentally friendly since late 1999

Made entirely of recycled bits & words 

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Whenever I go to an airport, I am always amazed at the high level of technology that is employed in a modern airport men’s room. For the last decade or so, many airports have equipped their men’s rooms with the latest gee whiz flushing technology. I am talking about the infrared flusher. You know, that little light device on the urinals and bowls that flushes the toilet automatically when you are done. I could not help but wonder if the best use for technology that we could come up with was to have a device to do a menial task because we are too damned lazy to flush the toilet ourselves. I can only presume that these devices are in ladies’ rooms as well, as I have never been in one. Well, except for that one incident in 1974.

If this were a movie or TV show, this would be the point where the clever flashback device would take us back to the mid 1970s. That not being the case, you will have to rely on your imagination to zoom you back to that time. I had just started working for New York State as an investigator(wherein I earned my Sleuth credentials). We were working in the World Trade Center at that time. Since the buildings were virtually unrentable then, the State had moved most of its New York City offices to the first 80 floors of Two World Trade Center. During my first week on the job, I had gone to lunch at the employee’s cafeteria on the 44th floor Sky Lobby. Though the exterior construction of the WTC was completed, the interior was still being built, so there were construction crews and debris very much in evidence. After lunch, I had to use the facilities, as it were, and headed down the escalator to the 43rd floor, where they were located. I was new in the building, and a bit lost, when I spotted a familiar sign that read MEN. There were ladders and other construction material strewn about, but the door was accessible and access it I did.

From the minute I entered the rather large chamber, I had an uneasy feeling that something was amiss. My first clue was that the walls were done in pink tiles. I thought this a bit unusual for a Men’s room, but I paid it no mind. The second hint that something was not kosher was that I didn’t see any urinals. It is customary when one enters a large public men’s room to see a line of urinals. Again, I was in the most modern and tallest building in the world( at the time) so I thought to myself, "Well, maybe they decided they didn’t need them for some esthetic reason." It is funny how the cognitive dissonance of your mind will try to make the pieces of the puzzle fit even when they clearly do not belong together. I was new to the Sleuth world, so I had not yet learned to pay proper attention to the clues and my observations.

As I approached the wall of stalls, I spied the most unusual piece of equipment to date. On the wall, in plain sight, there was a Kotex machine. A vending machine for tampons. Now, I thought to myself that this surely was an odd device to place in a men’s room. Again the old cognitive dissonance was kicking in as the mind raced to rationalize this latest bit of information and to make it fit the puzzle. I thought, "Well, maybe they put it there in case a guy needed to get some for his woman." Can you imagine anyone coming up with such a stupid conclusion as that? Neither can I, but yet, I somehow managed to do just that.

Then, in a flash, it began to dawn on me. The clues were overwhelming and I could no longer deny the evidence. Like a movie where the clues would be flashing before your eyes, they started flashing before mine. No urinals... pink walls... Kotex machine... Could it be? Could I possibly be in a ladies’ room? But then my mind flashed on the very large sign in front that clearly said "MEN." As I had made up my mind to go out and double check the one piece of evidence that would clearly put me in the right place, I spotted "it." The unmistakable clue that I had better high- tail it out of there pronto. As I was about to turn around and leave, my eyes zeroed in on a pair of high heels under the last stall.

Now men may have been wearing platform shoes in the 70s, but they were not wearing stilettos; of that I was certain. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could and prayed that I would not meet one of "them" coming in. Luckily, no one saw me and as I exited the forbidden territory,

I saw what the problem was. There was a very large plank of wood leaning against the wall where the MEN sign was. It was positioned in such a way as to cover the rest of the sign. You know, the part that carried the important information, the letters W-O. So the sign actually read WOMEN. I was lucky that it was not a busy time and I wasn’t caught and arrested for being a pervert. I am sure that there was some construction worker somewhere in that huge building having a great laugh at my expense.

Meanwhile, back at the infrared flushers, my staff of intrepid sleuths has uncovered a more sinister purpose for these seemingly innocuous and innocent devices. It seems that the idea of high-tech airport security is older than we think, for built into these so-called flushing devices is a sensor system. It can detect the elemental contents of urine. Attached to a powerful mainframe computer, these devices will analyze the contents of the urine stream and feces to determine what the subject ate and drank within the last twenty four hours.

Based on a careful analysis of the data, this device can tell the spice makeup of the food that the person ate. Since Middle Eastern cuisine contains large amounts of cumin, garlic, and oregano, those are the primary ingredients that it is looking for. While it is true that these things can also be found in Mexican and Italian cuisines, the proportions are different. Once the sensor picks up on a suspected person who dined on cous cous, humus, falafel, shashlick, or one of a dozen other Middle Eastern dishes, it sprays an infrared marker on the victim’s pants. He thinks that he peed himself, but in reality, he has been marked for further investigation. The security personnel are alerted and, with the aid of special viewers, they will check the crotches of the men as they leave the bathroom and when they locate the suspected individual, they tail him until they determine that he is or is not a threat.

Very neat stuff, don’t you think? Of course, if the public were aware of it, they would be screaming profiling. And they would be right. The really scary part is that we now have the technology to link this system to an identification program and we will be able to match the person’s DNA to his profile. And you used to think they only used urine to test for pregnancy or diabetes. If you think this is scary, maybe you have noticed that these devices are cropping up in public bathrooms all over. I was in a new Wal-Mart yesterday and these things were in their bathrooms. Since I had eaten some Mexican food the night before, I decided to hold it in until I got home. You can’t be too careful these days.

Another new bathroom device you may have seen is the automatic seat cover device. You push a button on the back of the toilet seat and a plastic Saran Wrap type of covering is advanced over the seat to allegedly make it sanitary. This replaces those tissue paper covers that are prevalent in many public bathrooms. But where does the old cover go? Back into the machine where microscopic ass-scrapings are analyzed for DNA from tissue samples. Your friendly public restroom has become a virtual government laboratory. Privacy has literally gone out the window.

God only knows where this will all lead to. From now on, when you walk into a public rest room and you see something new or unusual... beware, my friend. I don’t know about you, but if I ever go into a clean restroom in a gas station, I am going back outside and look for some hubcaps to pee on. Unless, of course, they are looking back at me.

And THAT, was my two-cents plain!



The artist formerly known as




In order to solve the dilemma that many overweight people have with so-called "All You Can Eat" buffets, Weight Watchers has come up with a new idea to help its customers deal with the problem. They are opening a chain of restaurants and will make eating in them mandatory for all Weight Watchers clients until they reach their goal weight. It promises to do for buffet-style restaurants, what did for airline tickets in its reverse auction model.

The idea is simple. The restaurant will serve only one dish on that day, but the price will vary according to how much money the customer has on his person when he enters the restaurant. They are calling this new idea the "All You Can Pay Buffet." Look for one in a mall near you soon. Bon appetite!

In this week’s article we have hidden a secret message. If you are so inclined and not too busy, see if you can figure out what it is and let me know. Hint: It relates to an important day for one of our staff members.

New Law Impacts Internet Users.

This week the president signed into law the President’s Unsubscribe Zero Tolerance Act(P.U.T.Z.)which authorizes the Homeland Security Department to put under surveillance Internet users who unsubscribe from Internet newsletters. Sighting the longstanding American traditions regarding junk mail and its Internet cousin, spam, the president iterated that, "These hardworking Internet authors deserve our support during these times of crisis and it is unthinkable that anyone would dare to unsubscribe from their sites after having committed to them. We want those viscous unsubscribers out there to know that we are on to them and we are coming to get them. America will have zero tolerance for this type of antipatriotic behavior."

We at the Sleuth are appalled that such a law has been passed and we will fight it with all of the resources available to us. Of course, being a free and nonprofit publication, we have precious little resources available for such things, but we do have plenty of rhetoric and we intend to use it all up on this important issue. We urge you to do your part as well.

We have uncovered a loophole that will allow you to get rid of unwanted e-mail and still stay under the government’s radar. Rather than unsubscribe and risk Big Brother watching you, merely delete the unwanted stuff from your mailbox. So far, they haven’t got the technology to check on whether or not you actually read what you subscribe to, though they are working on that as well. The minute they perfect that you will read about here, unless of course, you deleted this before you read it.

Congress is working on their own broader version of the new law. While congress is playing with its P.U.T.Z., the president is already planning to expand his. Al Gore may claim to be the inventor of the information superhighway, but George Bush will forever be remembered as the father of the P.U.T.Z.

One more note, as mentioned in the above article. Be careful where you pee.


Letters to the Editor

Re:- I’ve Got War Stuck in My C.R.A.W.

Thanks, Irv. At least I now feel like I'm not totally alone, and that someone is both listening and thinking. I've worked, at various times in my life, for companies that design or test the nasty sh*t that the politicians refer to as 'means of national defense'. I truly understand what the world would be like after a real WW3, and I don't want to live there.

Can you imagine being a 'survivor' in a world where the highest temperature at the equator is sub-zero, a world where no one for generations will see the sun, or the stars? And remember, the first nuke will be detonated above the ionosphere, so the blast will spiral down trillions of electrons, that will permanently destroy every electric/electronic device ever made, even most vacuum-tube radios. I don't think
so . . .

Please register me, Cat, and Daniel as members and hopeful contributors to C.R.A.W. We may not have the writing skills you have, but we'll always do our best.


Thanks Tuck and Cat,
You are the first members. As the song Where Have All the Flowers Gone goes, "When will they ever learn?"
I agree with you and hope that some sanity still prevails before we have to see Charleton Heston on the beach with what is left of the Statue of Liberty shouting "Damn you all to hell." Now THAT is a chilling sight
. (-Ed.)

Very funny, Irv. Remember the old Seinfeld American Express commercial wherein he bombed with his US routine but after a day in the pubs, he left the English crowd rolling in the aisles?

Maybe we could just take a cue from the 60s and spike their water supply with some 'ludes to just mellow everyone out.


That'll work. You wouldn't happen to know where we get our hands on a sufficient supply, would you? (-Ed.)

Works for me!

gem, nominating iRv as National Security Advisor


Yeah, that'll be the day. Thanks, GEM. (-Ed.)

The upcoming war with Iraq is going to be like . . .

Are you using your psychic powers and saying we WILL go to war with Iraq? Are you close personal friends with Miss Cleo or something and have some insider information you are trading in order to make a statement such as that? Better watch out. They may
just put you in with you-know-who ..*

No! If I were psychic, I would know who "you know who" is. (-Ed.)

Dear Irv,

Your description of the bully trying to pound you reminded me of when I was in the 5th grade. I was very much like you, just did what I could to keep alive. We lived in a not so good part of Kansas City, Missouri and the school I went to was not the greatest. Mostly very poor kids who had bad home situations.

I pretty much was able to be friends with or at least not be enemies with everyone. One afternoon in class a girl that I considered a friend passed a note to me telling me to meet her on the playground after school, she was going to beat me up!

While I was reading this note, I wondered what kind of fool she thought I was to just go out there to get beat to a pulp! This girl was three times my size! If she had sat on my chest, I would have been dead immediately!

I did the only thing that I figured could be done. As soon as the last bell rang, I RAN ALL THE WAY HOME! I knew that there was no way in the world that she could catch me.

I never did find out what prompted that desire in her to fight me, and the next day she acted like nothing ever happened! Who knows the mind of a 10-year-old?

Thanks SO much for your e-zine. I love it.


I agree with you. Lucky for us nonviolent types that bullies are not always too sharp. It seems you made the right decision. (-Ed.)

I'm with you, Irv. And good night, Julius Zaretsky, wherever you are.
Marta Martin

Thanks Marta,

Maybe together we can fulfill the Net Wits motto and accomplish even less.


For those of you who celebrate Chinese New Year

Gung Hoi Fat Choy

And for you ground hog lovers(I prefer hog steak myself)


Happy Ground Hog Day!


Happy Birthday,

Editor's Note for subscribers. If you change your e-mail address, please let us know so that we can continue to send your weekly Sleuth to you without interruption. But if you forget, you can always use a search engine to look for "Long Island Sleuth" or "Irvmeister" and you will get our web page address. The subscribe address is on the bottom of each page.



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A proud member of the Net Wits, well not too proud because I joined anyway since the dues were cheap.

©Copyright February 1, 2003 Meister Enterprises All Rights Reserved

To subscribe to the "Sleuth," (it's free!) please contact Irv Eisenberg at:

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